New Research on Multiphase Flow Simulation by Professor of Physics Philip Yecko Published in the Journal Computer Physics Communications

Image cover of the Computer Physics Communications Journal.

Image cover of the Computer Physics Communications Journal.

Philip Yecko, professor and departmental chair of physics, has co-published research in the Computer Physics Communications Journal (Vol. 281, December 2022).

The work, entitled "An optimized Vofi library to initialize the volume fraction field," provides new algorithms and open-source software used in the direct numerical simulation of fluid dynamics of two-phase flows. Flows involving bubbles, droplets and sprays are of critical importance to climate study and in a wide range of engineering applications, from pharmaceuticals to energy production. Read more about the research here

The Vofi (Volume Of Fluid Initializer) library has been developed to initialize the volume fraction field determined by implicitly-defined interfaces. The major conceptual changes in the numerical algorithms of the library are discussed and a few new features, including the computation of the reference phase centroid and of the interface length/area, are presented and applied to grid cells that are cuboids. Several numerical tests are considered to demonstrate both the accuracy of the new features, as the grid resolution and the number of integration points are varied, and the considerably improved efficiency of the library with respect to its previous version. A few of these tests are also included in the software distribution written in C, examples of C++ and Fortran interfaces are also provided.

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